Please note: The Uniform Shop will be closed between 9th and 13th October.
At Fareham Academy, we expect our students to present themselves in a smart and tidy manner at all times. It is important that students wear the full school uniform and ensure garments are clean, well-maintained, and appropriately sized.
Purchasing Uniform
Blazers, jumpers, ties, and PE kits can be purchased directly from the school. Additional PE items, such as fleeces, training trousers, and leggings, are available through Skoolkit. You can access the Skoolkit shop here.
Uniform purchases and collections can be made at the Community Office (next to the Sports Hall entrance) between 8:30 am and 9:00 am on school days. This service includes collections for online ParentPay orders.
Uniform Requirements
Plain white shirts (long or short sleeve) with the school tie.
Black V-neck jumper with blue inlay (optional).
Black school blazer (compulsory).
Black trousers (no cord, denim, or leggings).
Grey, black, or white socks.
Plain black leather or patent leather shoes. Boots, dolly shoes, sports trainers, and canvas shoes are not permitted.
Additional Uniform & Guidelines
PE Kit
Polo Shirt: Navy blue polo shirt with the Academy logo (available for order and collection from the school).
Bottoms: Students may wear plain navy or black shorts, sports leggings, or tracksuit bottoms.
Outerwear: Sweatshirts are permitted, but hoodies are not allowed.
Footwear: Trainers are required for PE. Football boots are compulsory for all students.
Protective Gear: It is recommended that students wear personally designed mouthguards for rugby and hockey. Parents are advised to purchase shin pads for rugby and football for health and safety.
Please note that no other sportswear is permitted.
We believe that jewellery is not suitable for a formal school environment due to safety concerns and security issues.
Therefore, students are only permitted to wear:
A watch
A single chain with a religious symbol, which must be hidden from view
Single studs in the ear lobe
No other jewellery is allowed.
Outdoor Wear
Outdoor coats can be worn over the school jumper and blazer but must be removed once inside school buildings.
Students may store their coats in lockers or carry them to lessons.
Cycle helmets are mandatory for students cycling to school.
Hairstyles must not be extreme or follow excessive fashion trends.
Outrageous or unnatural colours are not permitted.
Shaved heads are not acceptable. Students may be sent home if they arrive at school with a haircut too close to the scalp.
Year 11: Discreet makeup and clear or natural-coloured nail varnish are allowed.
Other Years: Students in all other years are not permitted to wear makeup or nail varnish. Any makeup or nail varnish worn by these students must be removed.