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Student Support Services | A Day in the Life

The Student Support Services suite opens each day at 8:00am and students are welcome from this time. They are able to access the computers for homework and revision and to sit and meet with friends. Staff are also available at this time to meet 1-to-1 with students that may need to talk over problems. They can listen, advise and notify staff of any issues. Simple things like printing off timetables or lending a pen can also help a student to have a positive start to the day.

Throughout the day the suite is busy supporting students, staff and parents and dealing with a range of needs, including:

  • Accommodating students that have Time Out

  • Accommodating students on provision from other schools

  • Supporting students on bespoke, learning, support or medical plans

  • Accommodating students on supervised learning

  • Drop in 1-to-1s with students that may be upset for a range of reasons

  • Mediations are carried out to resolve conflict between friends

  • Record of Incident form completed following any incident within the school that needs to be investigated and supported by the Head of Year

  • All medical issues are supported through the suite

  • We meet with outside agencies, parents and Heads of Year

  • We accommodate meetings for outside agencies and offer our suite for confidential meetings

After school the suite is open to accommodate our supportive work with MOTIV8, the school counsellor and youth services. Students are able to complete homework, discuss any problems that have occurred throughout the day and receive support or advice. We also run handwriting and spelling support.

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