VCERT Health & Fitness
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Curriculum Intent
Physical Education is one of the most powerful mass movers in changing and improving the lives of young people. At Fareham Academy we deliver a high-quality Physical Education curriculum that inspires students to succeed and excel in a range of physical activities and competitive sport. We provide opportunities for students to become physically confident in a way that supports their health, fitness and mental wellbeing.
Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed and coherently planned to build on student’s prior knowledge whilst interleaving progressive skills and concepts which enable students to “unlock their potential” including those with special educational needs. We take pride in teaching our students a range of skills that will prepare them for life and not just tomorrow such as cooperation, team work, communication and leadership.
Through the Vcert health and fitness course pupils will focus on the study of the health and fitness sector, be provided opportunities to acquire a number of practical and technical skills as well as develop a broad understanding of the structure and function of body systems. Pupils will be able to identify the effects of health and fitness activities on the body, understand health and fitness programmes and the components of fitness. They will fundamentally learn how to continue to lead and support those to having a healthy lifestyle after they leave the Academy.