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Physical Education
Home / Curriculum
Curriculum Intent
Physical Education is one of the most powerful mass movers in changing and improving the lives of young people. At Fareham Academy we deliver a high-quality Physical Education curriculum that inspires students to succeed and excel in a range of physical activities and competitive sport. We provide opportunities for students to become physically confident in a way that supports their health, fitness and mental wellbeing.
Our broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum aims to develop students’ knowledge, skills, tactics and understanding so students can perform with confidence and competence in a range of physical activities as outlined in the National Curriculum. Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed and coherently planned to build on student’s prior knowledge whilst interleaving progressive skills and concepts which enable students to “unlock their potential” including those with special educational needs. We take pride in teaching our students a range of skills that will prepare them for life and not just tomorrow such as cooperation, team work, communication and leadership.
We are proud to be part of the local community; we compete in a variety of local and regional competitions across a range of sports as well as actively promote the successes and failures of our local sports teams. In addition to our core curriculum we offer a range of bespoke level 2 courses that are chosen to best suit the needs of our students including Cambridge National Sport Studies and Vcert Health and Fitness. In essence all students leave the Academy with the necessary skills to participate in lifelong physical activity.
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