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Curriculum Intent
The Dance curriculum at Fareham Academy is designed to allow students with a passion for dance and movement to explore this with creativity passion and flair.
Students are required to use their creativity and bodies to discover their potential through movement and creative works. Dance allows students to explore a range of creative materials that are inclusive diverse and are taken form various countries and places around the world and the UK.
SMSC, Numeracy and Literacy are firmly embedded within the Performing Arts curriculum through topics and schemes, including a range of styles and cultures from the UK and around the world.
The dance curriculum is available at KS4 and is explored through one topic in KS3. It gives students to opportunity to:
Take part in ensemble dances
Create choreography from a range of stimuli
Be taught technique
Work on their movement and capacity and range to move in performance
Increase fitness
Inspire enjoyment and passion when performing
Dance helps to create well rounded learners that are critical thinkers, creative planners and excellent, confident performers that are able to showcase themselves and their ability in a positive and innovative way. As a department, Dance strives to prepare students for the next stage of their education and aspire for them to continue their learning.