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Computer Science
Home / Curriculum
Curriculum Intent
Computer Science at Fareham Academy prepares students to become responsible, competent users of digital technology in the modern world. Our curriculum aims to empower our students to be active producers of technology rather than passive consumers. We deliver a broad curriculum that is divided into three strands incorporating Computer Science, Digital Literacy, and Information Technology that develops student competencies in problem solving, creative and logical thinking, and practical application to both develop and use technology. Students are encouraged to develop skills that can be applied at a cross-curricular level, and to real-life situations. Students are taught to confidently and creatively use information and technology to be analytical and problem solving for real life situations.
All students participate in Key Stage 3 Computer Science which ensures they develop skills at a suitable level that underpins their further education and their future careers.
Computer Science is about understanding how computers work. This includes writing code and developing computational thinking skills. Digital Literacy is using technology in a functional and safe way and consists of the basic skills that we all need to be able to participate fully in the digital world which includes using and communicating with technology in a safe and appropriate way. Information Technology develops student skills in design, development and application of competencies that can be used across a range of devices. Online safety relating to student welfare is a constant and a consistent focus throughout the curriculum. Students are taught why this is important and how to identify risks to personal safety. In addition, students develop their understanding of how living in our modern digital society can also create risks to our economic, social, cultural and environmental way of live.
Students who opt to pursue GCSE Computer Science will undertake enhanced learning across a number of key areas as part of the OCR curriculum. These are:
• Algorithms
• Programming
• Data Representation
• Computer Systems
• Computer Networks
• Cyber Security
• Software Development
• Ethical, legal and social consequences of technology
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